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February 12, 2019 -

Ruston Leader on Tue, 02/12/2019 - 8:46am
Caleb Daniel

After holding a personnel committee meeting Monday to review applications for the parish treasurer and assistant parish administrator positions, the Lincoln Parish Police Jury will take action regarding those positions today, as well as other matters such as road improvement projects, hiring courthouse security and more.

Due to delays in repairs to the Lincoln Parish Courthouse elevator, today’s meetings will be held at the Lincoln Parish Library community room, starting with the marketing and public relations committee at 5:30 p.m. and running through the full police jury meeting at 7 p.m.

The jury voted 7-4 in January to advertise the treasurer opening and go through the hiring process rather than elect a treasurer, which is all the state of Louisiana requires, citing a desire to be fair to all potential applicants.

The personnel committee will recommend an action on the position to the full jury today.

The marketing and public relations committee, which last met in April 2018, will convene to consider promotional strategies for the police jury.

The public property and buildings committee will follow at 6 p.m. to consider extending Cricket Wireless’s lease in the “old County Market” building, which currently ends in May. Parish Administrator Courtney Hall said the objective is to align leases in this building more closely with Dollar General’s lease therein, which will run out in 2021.

At 6:30 p.m. the public works committee will be asked to authorize several projects and purchases of material and equipment. These include $775,000 in hot mix road overlays as part of the jury’s 2019 Capital Improvement Program, as well as a $700,000 bridge replacement on Eubanks Road.

The committee will also take action on bids for the next round of campground improvements for Lincoln Parish Park. Originally simple mounds of dirt, four more RV campgrounds would join thirteen others previously upgraded with retaining walls, concrete slabs and wrought iron fencing over the last two years. If the lowest bid received Wednesday is accepted, the project will cost $152,250.

In regular session, the full police jury will consider a proposal last discussed in November to enter an intergovernmental agreement with the Lincoln Parish Sheriff’s Office to provide security services at the courthouse.

The agreement as presented in the November meeting would put two armed LPSO deputies at the courthouse for $93,600 annually.

Lincoln Parish Office

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100 West Texas Ave. 2nd Floor Ruston, LA 71270 Phone: (318) 513-6350 Fax: (318) 251-5103

Union Parish Office

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100 East Bayou Street Farmerville, LA 71241 Phone: (318) 368-2201 Fax: (318) 368-3717